my_mathematics 📊

All my mathematics projects done at EPITECH with Gianni TUERO.

Projects goals and skills 🎯

The aim of his projects was to improve our skills in Python and mathematics.
These projects introduce various notions during the semesters:

Semester 1:

Semester 2:

Notes and grade 🚩

Semester 1:

Projects Notes
101pong 100% 20/20
102architect 100% 20/20
103cipher 100% 20/20
104neutrinos 100% 20/20
105demography 100% 20/20

I obtained grade A🏅

Semester 2:

Projects Notes
106bombyx 100% 20/20
107transfer 100% 20/20
108trigo 100% 20/20
109titration 95% 17.7/20
110borwein 100% 20/20

I obtained grade A

Credits 👥