my_rpg documentation 1.0.0
No Matches
🎮 my_rpg 🗡️ Drysfa Xaar

Drysfa Xaar

Table of contents 📑

Description 📝

The my_rpg is a project carried out by groups of 4 (see Contributors, during our 1st year in EPITECH Grand Ecole program.
Its purpose is to create in C a Role Playing Game.
An RPG, or role-playing game, is a type of video game where you embody a character and progress through a story by completing quests, fighting enemies and developing your character's skills.
In our rpg, you play the role of a little spirit trapped in a labyrinth, and your aim is to escape from the maze.

Usage ⚔️

You can run my_rpg like this :


For more information, please see the help section or the tutorial.

> ./my_rpg -h
A role-playing game made by Gianni TUERO, Lou PELLEGRINO, Nicolas TORO and Raphaël LAUNAY.

Result 🚩

The result of this project is an almost perfect my_rpg.
If you discover a problem or an error, don't hesitate to create an issue and report it to us as soon as possible. result

Category Percentage Numbers of tests Crash
Minimal functions 0% 0/1 No
repository size 100% 1/1 No
Results 50% 1/2 No

Keynote result

We got the best my_rpg of our class.

Project Mark :

Mark : 68
Preliminary (2 / 2) :
Error management (2 / 2) :
Window management (3 / 3) :
Tri state
Events (1 / 1) :
Animations (2 / 2) :
Tout suer la meme sprite sheet
sfClock and framerate (3 / 3) :
Basic button (2 / 2) :
Welcome menu (1 / 1) :
Settings option (2 / 2) :
Volume slider
Setting option : volume (2 / 2) :
Separation des deux
Setting option : window (3 / 3) :
Saving system (part I) (2 / 2) :
Ingame menu access (1 / 1) :
Character's option : characteristics (3 / 3) :
Character's option : inventory (2 / 3) :
Que des armes
Character's option : equipement (3 / 3) :
Saving system (part II) (1 / 3) :
Save le character
Setting's option : volume & window (1 / 1) :
Setting's option : commands (2 / 2) :
General informations (2 / 2) :
NPC visible
Character informations (3 / 3) :
NPC and ennemies informations (3 / 3) :
Visuals rendering (1 / 2) :
Render 2D
Colliding system (2 / 2) :
Collisions avec meshing
Fightings effects (1 / 3) :
Animation d'attaque
Environnement effects (0 / 3) :
The universe (1 / 4) :
Quest and NPC (2 / 4) :
Fighting system (4 / 4) :
Gains (4 / 4) :
Global architecture (2 / 3) :
Game engine (0 / 10) :
Rigor code (-1 / 0) :
Skills/abilities tree (0 / 4) :
Configuration files (1 / 3) :
Simple texte
Map editor (0 / 5) :
Procedural generation (5 / 5) :
Génération procédurale
Scripting language (0 / 2) :
Bonus (0 / 20) :

Oral Mark :

Mark : 4142
Testing Policy (2 / 4) :
Methodology and Organisation (40 / 40) :
Involvment (100 / 400) :
Oral Presentation (4000 / 4000) :
Du coup, et voilà
Des caractères non joueurs
Ne faites pas référence aux groupes précédents, la keynote est la votre.
Librairie != bibliothèque
Video des 3 hunters très bon
video du hunter très bon
CSFML a expliciter
Démonstration en video.
Difficultés techniques intéressantes mais montrez !


Feature Mandatory Must Should Could
The player needs to have characteristics
The player can fight enemies AND the characteristics impact the fights results
The player have an inventory which can contain a limited set of items
The player can earn experience by winning fights and/or accomplishing specific actions
The player can level up thanks to experience AND upgrading its characteristics
The game contains NPC
The game contains at least one quest
The game contains a how to play system at the very beginning
Collision system including moving and static elements with different shapes
Camera movements (zoom, translation, rotation)
3D effects (depth scaling, isometric projection...)
Buttons must have at least 3 different states
Saving system (You can try to use sfView elements) ✅🤷
The window may be closed using events
The windows may have different modes: Window mode, Full-screen mode
The windows may have different resolutions, at least two (1920x1080, and an other)
The game manages inputs from the mouse click and keyboard
The game contains animated sprites rendered thanks to sprite sheets
Animations in your program are frame rate independent ✅🤷
Animations and movements in your program are timed by clocks ✅🤷
Main menu
Must contain at least these options: Start the game, Resume game (grayed out if not possible), Settings, Quit the game
The settings option must contain: Sound and music volume options, A window size and resolution options
In-game menu
Must be accessible by pressing the Escape key
Must contain at least these options: Character options (equipment and inventory management, characteristics management), Saving, Loading, Settings (the same as main menu), Commands list ✅🤷
Splash screen at the beginning
Command edit into the in-game menu
As much information as possible about the game should be stored in a configuration file
The game should have an advanced collision system to manage complex fighting
The game should contain a simple particle system: with at least 2 types of particle, particle effects (changing colors, scaling, bouncing, fading) to simulate realistic environment (wind, fire, rain, snow...)
Could have a skill tree, unlocking different abilities (active and passive)
Could have a complete particle engine
Could use scripting to describe entities
Could have a map editor ✅🤷

Tests and code coverage

Unit tests were performed using criterion.
In this project, only the library code is covered.
Unit tests are still to be performed, but a large part of the code is already covered:

  • Lines: 90.0%
  • Functions: 100%
  • Branches: 41.5%

You can compile the project and run the unit tests with this command :

make tests_run

For more details, please click here.

Compilation 🛠️

You can compile the project with this command :


If you want clean the project, you can run this command :

make fclean

You can clean and compile the project with make re.

You can compile the unit tests with this command :

make unit_tests

Documentation 📚

The documentation is accessible here.

You can generate the documentation with this command :

make doc

You need multiple package for generate them :

  • doxygen
  • doxygen-latex
  • doxygen-doxywizard
  • graphviz

Code mandatory 📦

  • You'll need to create a branch where you'll push your code. Once you've completed your tasks on this branch, we'll work together to merge it and check that everything works.
  • Every function you add must be code-style.
  • Before merging, you'll need to check that all unit tests pass by running make tests_run.
  • If the github actions don't succeed, then ask yourself some questions
  • Each commit will contain [+] or [-] or [~] followed by a message
    • [+] : Add feature
    • [-] : Delete feature
    • [~] : Edit feature

Of course, in exceptional cases, we may depart from these rules.

What's next ? 🚀

  • Finish the saving system
  • Add new items like consomables or equipment
  • Add new decorations
  • Add a final boss
  • Rework the scenario
  • Add unit tests on each piece of code

Contributors 👥

For this project, we were a group of 4 people. Here are the people in the group: