⌨️️ Pseudo-Lang 🗣️

Table of contents 📑

Description 📝

Pseudo-Lang is a programming language. Its aim is to write fast programs easily, accessible to all types of audience. It is based on the principle of the “pseudo-code”, writing code in an almost natural language. Here, our language is based on a kind of pseudo-code in French (if required, we can add other languages).
Like every programming language, this one includes a compiler: PLC (Pseudo-Lang Compiler). The compiler will convert the Pseudo-Lang project into a C project that can be accessed directly by the client.

This github repository contains the PLC source code and all the information linked to Pseudo-Lang.
For more information on the project, please visit the github project or the project website.

Usage ⚔️

Here’s an example of a PSL (Pseudo-Lang) file :

afficher("Hello, World!\n")  
fonction: additionner(a, b)  
    afficher(a, " + ", b, " = ")  
    retourner a + b  
a <- 5  
b <- 3  
afficher(additionner(a, b), "\n")  

You can run plc like this :

./plc addition.psl -o addition -r  

For more information, please see the help section.

 plc [OPTIONS] [file1.pl file2.pl ...]  
 The official Pseudo-Lang Compiler  
        -c              Only convert Pseudo-Lang to C, no compilation
        -d [directory]  Specify the code output directory  
        -o [name]       Specify the name of the executable (default is main.out)
        -r              Run the program after compilation*
        -w              Disable warning display  

Compilation 🛠️

You can compile the PLC project with this command :


If you want clean the PLC project, you can run this command :

make clean  

You can clean and compile the PLC project with make re .

Documentation 📚

The documentation to the Pseudo-Lang is accessible here.

To open the PLC documentation, run the command :

make doc  

Credits 👤

This project, Pseudo-Lang and its compiler, was totally imagined and built by Nicolas TORO as part of a HUB project for his first year in EPITECH’s Grande Ecole program.