A-maze-D documentation 1.0.0
Unit tests for each function of the my lib. More...
Functions | |
Test (my_compute_factorial_rec, full_covr) | |
Test (my_compute_power_rec, full_covr) | |
Test (my_compute_square_root, full_covr) | |
Test (my_concat_params, full_covr) | |
Test (my_convert_base, full_covr) | |
Test (my_convert_base_unsigned, full_covr) | |
Test (my_find_prime_sup, full_covr) | |
Test (my_getnbr_base, full_covr) | |
Test (my_getnbr, full_covr) | |
Test (my_isneg, full_covr) | |
Test (my_is_prime, full_covr) | |
Test (my_params_to_array, full_covr) | |
Test (my_print_combn, full_covr) | |
Test (my_print_params, full_covr,.init=cr_redirect_stdout) | |
Test (my_putnbr, fullcovr,.init=cr_redirect_stdout) | |
Test (my_putnbr, fullcovr_2,.init=cr_redirect_stdout) | |
Test (my_putnbr_base, fullcovr,.init=cr_redirect_stdout) | |
Test (my_putstr_error, full_covr) | |
Test (my_putstr_sized, full_covr) | |
Test (my_rev_params, full_covr,.init=cr_redirect_stdout) | |
Test (my_rev_str, full_covr) | |
Test (my_show_param, full_covr,.init=cr_redirect_stdout) | |
Test (my_show_word_array, full_covr,.init=cr_redirect_stdout) | |
Test (my_show_mem, full_covr) | |
Test (my_show_str, full_covr) | |
Test (my_sort_int_array, full_covr) | |
Test (my_sort_params, full_covr) | |
Test (my_str_is_alpha, full_covr) | |
Test (my_str_is_lower, full_covr) | |
Test (my_str_is_num, full_covr) | |
Test (my_str_is_printable, full_covr) | |
Test (my_str_is_upper, full_covr) | |
Test (my_str_nbr, full_covr) | |
Test (my_str_nbr, full_covr_2,.init=cr_redirect_stdout) | |
Test (my_str_nbr_base_long_long_int, full_covr_2) | |
Test (my_str_nbr_base_unsigned, full_covr) | |
Test (my_str_nbr_long_long, full_covr) | |
Test (my_str_nbr_long_long, full_covr_2) | |
Test (my_str_nbr_size_t, full_covr) | |
Test (my_str_nbr_unsigned, full_covr) | |
Test (my_str_nbr_unsigned_long, full_covr) | |
Test (my_str_to_word_array, full_covr,.init=cr_redirect_stdout) | |
Test (my_strcapitalize, full_covr) | |
Test (my_strcat, full_covr) | |
Test (my_strcmp, full_covr) | |
Test (my_strcpy, full_covr) | |
Test (my_strncmp, full_covr) | |
Test (my_strncat, full_covr) | |
Test (my_strlowcase, full_covr) | |
Test (my_strncpy, full_covr) | |
Test (my_strstr, full_covr) | |
Test (my_strupcase, full_covr) | |
Test (my_swap, full_covr) | |
Test (my_array_len, full_covr) | |
Test (my, full_covr_for_null_return) | |
Test (my_char_is, full_covr) | |
Test (my_compute_power_rec_size_t, full_covr) | |
Test (my_convert_base_size_t, full_covr) | |
Test (my_find_nbr, full_covr) | |
Test (my_find_prime_inf, full_covr) | |
Test (my_free_ptr, full_covr) | |
Test (my_str_contains, full_covr) | |
Test (my_strdup_word_array, full_covr) | |
Test (my_strerror, full_covr) | |
Test (my_str_nbr_short, full_covr) | |
Test (my_str_nbr_short_short, full_covr) | |
Test (my_str_nbr_base_unsigned_short, full_covr) | |
Test (my_str_nbr_base_unsigned_short_short, full_covr) | |
Test (my_str_nbr_base_unsigned_size_t, full_covr) | |
Test (my_str_nbr_base_unsigned_long, full_covr) | |
Test (my_getnbr_float, full_covr) | |
Test (my_strict, full_covr) | |
Test (my_round_float_str, full_covr) | |
Test (my_str_to_word_array_select, full_covr,.init=cr_redirect_stdout) | |
Test (my_str_to_word_array_string, full_covr,.init=cr_redirect_stdout) | |
Test (my_super_array, full_covr) | |
Test (my_str_is, full_covr) | |
Test (my_putstr_fd, full_covr) | |
Test (my_strndup, full_covr) | |
Test (my_super_number, full_covr) | |
Test (my_count_letter, full_covr) | |
Unit tests for each function of the my lib.